Sunday, August 7, 2011

Never Be One Again

Never Be One Again by the group Alabama

Minus the paper dolls and daddy's little girl part...

My dad use to sing this to my sister and I often as we were growing up. Over the past planning for Bronner's first birthday party....this song has crossed my mind so many times. And I must admit I get pretty emotional about it, and my husband must think that I'm crazy. We bought Bronner a birthday card today....and tears came to my eyes as I read it! These firsts with Bronner will never happen again....and I try my best to soak it all in....take mental pictures. His goofy faces....his sweet smile....his hugs and kisses....even his cries...even the times that he wakes up in the middle of the night....taking naps with him on the couch...the way he loves the cat and meows at he toddles when he walks....seeing him in a t-shirt and diaper with a binky in his mouth....little toes...chubby little hands....those sweet chubby cheeks. The fact that he is NEVER as excited as we are when he does something new.....he doesn't like to make too big of a deal out of too many things. When we get him after being away from him he wraps those chubby hands around our necks and hugs us tight and looks up at us with a great big smile and those sweet blue eyes. How he sometimes gets so lost in Yo Gabba Gabba (or Barney) that he seems to forget that we even exist. I love that he loves the Book Goodnight Moon and how he folds his little hands together to say his prayers! He is curious about every little thing...and keeps us on our toes because of it! He is such a fast learner...and very persistent! Bronner is such a sweet, kind, lovable, loving, gentle, handsome little boy. Jamie and I feel so blessed to have come into our lives almost a year ago. I can't really remember our lives before him...or imagine it without him. He brings so much joy to our lives.....and to so many around him. I just told Jamie the other day how happy it makes my heart that so many people love our little boy. He is one amazing little boy! The time goes by so quickly...I guess this is what makes it so hard sometimes. Time is one of the few things in life that can't be controlled....only how it is spent. I pray that the next year of Bronner's life is just as wonderful and that we take advantage of our time together and spend it well. Thank you God for this wonderful blessing in our lives! Happy Birthday on Saturday Bronner!!! We love you to the moon and back again!

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