Monday, March 21, 2011


Meeting Dani for the first time

Dani White
Bronner loves to talk......
My sweet family
Playing with daddy's glasses
Swinging with mommy
My two them both
Big blue eyes........
Chubby cheeks
Sweet Kisses
Flying baby
Jesus loves my sweet boy
I just can't get enough
Love his little face...
Life is just wonderful
He is so cute!!!!!
One of my most favorive pictures ever taken
Isn't he great!?!?
He is my buddy
I can't imagine life without him
Baseball is in his future

I knew that I would be the WORST blogger ever....and I was right.

So many things are going on.....blogging is the very last thing on my mind!! Softball season is in full Jamie is gone often. I am taking to classes right now for my masters. I decided to go ahead and get it down while Bronner is young. We are in the process of selling our house. Summer is QUICKLY approaching. I am so excited to have my life back, but I don't want to rush time. I'm loving the age Bronner is it. I love his little personality, his expressions, his sweet face when he sleeps. He is such a blessing.

What Bronner is up to:

~ Bronner starting sitting up around 5 months 1 week with assistance from a boppy.
~ He has now been sitting up like a big boy by himself for about a month.
~ He was wearing 6-9 month clothes; sometimes 12 months
~ He has such a sweet personality
~ He loves to smile and laugh...he is such a happy baby
~ He sleeps anywhere from 11 to 12 hours at night (and has for about 4 months)
~ He is teething...not one has popped through just yet, but we're working on it
~ He's getting hair!!
~ At his 6 month check up he weighed 19 lbs and was 28 inches long.
~ He loves ALL food
~ He loves to jump and stand up
~ He has learned the sign for all done
~ He says, "ma ma", "da da", and "bye"
~ He waves
~ He makes a really sad face when you say "Bronner" a certain way
~ He loves "the good morning" song to be sung to him in the morning.. (I wrote it)
~ He likes it when I sing "I've Got the World on a String" (this is our song and we sing it every day)
~ He loves to be read to (Goodnight Moon is still his favorite)
~ His favorite place to be is outside
~ He has a smile that lights up a room
~ He's just fantastic!!!
~ Bronner met his first friend that just so happens to be a girl...little Dani

Bronner is full of life and is so happy. He is a wonderful little boy and I am so excited that God chose us to be his mommy and daddy. Jamie and I are very spoiled.....he is such an easy, happy baby. Jamie and I are excited about our future and look forward to every new day!